The animation above has been created by Tim Burton. It is an animated film which was created in 2005 in London 3 mills studio's. There were a dozen of animators and puppeteers who helped developed each character.The characters faces contained special gearing which meant that the individual parts of the faces were able to be manipulated for each movement. The animation was filmed using a total of 32 cameras. The animators used a grabber system which meant they were able to capture small sections of the animation and have them put onto a computer so they could check them afterwards. The animation above is very creative. The artist has been very creative when producing the set and characters. The animation is very appealing because of the colours used. There are also a range of different characters with different expressions. The artist has been able to capture a range of movement and expressions within the characters and has also been able to give personalities to the characters through movement and manipulation.
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