Thursday 24 March 2016

Final Evaluation

The aim of the brief was to create a stop frame animation based on a contemporary news article. We were asked to chose a news article from a respectable newspaper such as The Gaudian or The Independent. Part of the aim for the stop frame animation was to solve time based problems for example creating a stop frame animation, taking enough photos to create a 15 frame per second animation, around one minute long which would mean taking 900 images. During the process I developed skills through taking part in workshops and experimentation, before producing a final animation.

Before choosing the news article I decided to base my animation on, I researched and looked through various newspapers to find interesting news articles which grabbed my attention. I read many different articles about a range of topics, controversial topics as well as stories with happy endings. I then came across a news article about the red smog alerts in Beijing. I found this article quite shocking because of the poor air quality in Beijing which was affecting many people because of the industrialisation and factories operating. I also looked at another news article which was based on the attacks in Paris which took place 13th Novemeber 2015. The article documented the attacks and how they unfolded and the times and various places the attacks took place. I decided to chose the Attacks in Paris as the article i was going to base my animation on, as i felt this story had more potential.

I was inspired by artists such as PEZ who specialises in creating found object animations. I was inspired by how he uses a range of different objects and materials within his animations and really brings them to life. He also uses everyday objects to represent something else. I had previously researched into found object animation and came across PEZ. I thought his animation ideas were brilliant and very clever. He often had a meaning or message behind his animations. I also found them very playful and creative.

To capture my animation, i used a Panasonic SD900 camera. I used the stop motion animation technique to create the movement within the animation. I took just over 900 images to make my animation 15 frames per second and just over a minute long. My animation has been created at 1080x1920p which is full high definintion. The aspect ratio of my animation is 16:9. As i has taken the individual images on a camera and not in an app such as Imotion which is what i had previously used to record and put together my animations, I then had to put my animation together image by image. I used Adobe after affects to import each image in order and at the right time. I was also able to add in background and text and make some frames last longer than others such as the scenes where i had information asppear on the screen. I was able to imcrease the amount of time these facts stayed on the screen so the viewer could read them. Once i had put together my animation I then added music. I used a site called which allowed me to use royalty free music within my animation. I came accross a few issues when capturing my animation such as the change lighting during filming. The first scene was created using natural light whereas the rest of the animation was created using added light. Another issue i came accross was the characters occasionally fell down which affected the placement. To resovet this i continued to take more images using smaller movement so the animation would still look smooth when it came to editing it.

As i used a full high definition camera i feel that the quality of the images were very sharp and i was able to see a range of colours within the animation. The images were also very clear. I used props to set the scene and create a background and setting. I used a range of objects which i had found around the house to create a setting. As the animation was set in Paris, I used a prop of the eiffel tower which i had gotten from Paris as the background for the begining scene. I felt that this helped to set the scene and tell the story. I also used a range of different materials to creaste the scene in the restuarant. I used cardboard and magazine cut outs add imagery. I added text at the begining of the animation to show the date and time the event took place aswell as after the scene where the characters were killed by the attackers to show the affects this had on the people. I also used different angles and close ups to emphasise on certain parts of the animation, to make key parts stand out. The use of a tripod allowed me to create a still animation that did not look wobbly as the images were took with the camera being steady and in one place.

I used cheerful upbeat music at the begining of the animation to create a happy atmosphere and to show how everything was normal is Paris. The music then changes to a more sad and slow melody show the change in mood and atmosphere as the attackers enter the scene. It suggests to the viewers that something devestating is about to unfold. I also feel that in the restuarant scene where the characters huddle together before the attackers come in helped create suspense and uncertainty as to what was about to happen. It created a very scared atmosphere. I also used symbolism within my animation to develop a deeper meaning within the animation. I used dice to represent bullets and weapons as this is a metaphor for chance - With dice you cannot predict what side the dice will land on, just like a gun where you cannot predict who the bullet will hit or the affects and possibilities. I also used made up, monster like characters to represent the attackers as i wanted to show how different they were in comnparison to the other characters. I wanted to show how the attackers had been dehumanised.

I think what worked well within my animation was the use of different characters.I was able to tell the story but also use the characters to show a deeper meaning and metaphor for chance. I feel that using the dice as bullets was very affective.

I feel that using a blog to record my animatoins and research worked very well as I had all my work in one place, once i had my blog up and running i found that it was easily accessable no matter where i was. I also found that it was an affective way to show peers my work and discuss other peoples work with them. 

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